Hollyhocks and Heather

My love affair with hollyhocks continues, they must be one of the most cheerful flowers around. Tall and bright they immediately bring a smile to my face. Lots grow in Suffolk, the destination of numerous family holidays and day trips, so they also remind me of being on vacation. They are coming to an endContinue reading “Hollyhocks and Heather”

Sowing smiles

Is there anything as satisfying as growing plants from seed? Since sowing seeds with my daughter I’ve rediscovered the joys and extra big smiles they bring to my face, as well as hers. In 2018 my daughter collected some seeds from my parent’s garden in Suffolk and ever since we have enjoyed the bright andContinue reading “Sowing smiles”

How’s your chatter?

Over the years I’ve learnt to quieten or ignore the negative chatter in my head. When it’s really bad I do activities that distract me from it, like gardening, a walk in the countryside or something creative like art or sewing. And, when life and my brain feels chaotic I get organised. I make aContinue reading “How’s your chatter?”

An unlocking of emotion

When I was ill, and before I was diagnosed with a functional neurological disorder, I tried acupuncture to desensitise my nervous system and speed my recovery. At the first appointment, I ventured in with trepidation. I don’t like injections or blood tests and have to look away to ensure I don’t faint so I reallyContinue reading “An unlocking of emotion”

Are my teeth still there?

Lots of people are wary of going to see a counsellor, a therapist, a shrink. They have visions of the tough New York shrinks seen in movies. They think it’s not for them. They don’t need help. They don’t want to drag up their past. Counselling has definitely improved my life. I went for severalContinue reading “Are my teeth still there?”

What do you notice?

The ants are under our patio again, and their excavations have left sand near the garage door. Eating my lunch, I watch a flock of sparrows descend to enjoy some boisterous dust baths. I’m glad I didn’t sweep away the sand. When I burnt out, I learned to listen to my body and notice whatContinue reading “What do you notice?”

Why does nature make us happy?

Here’s a bit of (light) science. I think it helps to know that what you are doing to improve your life, however small, will make a difference. Believing something will make a positive difference is very powerful. So here goes… A study by Lyubomirsky* showed that 50% of your happiness is genetic. Your environment makesContinue reading “Why does nature make us happy?”

Lime green whatchamacallit?!

In the last week or so, have you seen these lime green plants springing up at the side of the road? Every year I see them and think WOW, now what are they called again? This year was no different. I checked in my wildflower guide and was reminded they are alexanders. I am determinedContinue reading “Lime green whatchamacallit?!”

Bring the outside in this Easter

I have more than 100 houseplants as I love being surrounded by the sight, smell and textures of flowers and greenery. In addition, I look for other, easy ways to bring the delights of the natural world into my house. This is especially important in colder months when I am outside less. I’d like toContinue reading “Bring the outside in this Easter”

Skipping into Spring

Last weekend I was lucky enough to see flocks of hundreds of birds (Goldfinches?) feeding on Millet seed heads in a field. It was a wondrous sight, and the chattering, melodic sound filled the air and followed me as I reluctantly walked away. Winter is the best time to enjoy lichen, before the trees areContinue reading “Skipping into Spring”

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