An unreliable biography

It’s my stop on the blogger tour! The Call of the Cormorant is Donald Murray’s unreliable biography of Karl Einarsson, a child born in the Faroe Islands who became a serial scammer living in Nazi Berlin. It was more like a wholly fictional tale, so outrageous was Karl’s life. It’s a very unusual book, fullContinue reading “An unreliable biography”

Celebrating Publication Day!

Today is the day! The Cactus Surgeon has gone from being an idea in my head to now sitting in people’s hands. So where can you pick up a copy? It’s on sale at Perrywood Tiptree and Perrywood Sudbury (of course!). It will be on sale at Red Lion Books in Colchester very soon. YouContinue reading “Celebrating Publication Day!”

Pre-order your copy of The Cactus Surgeon today!

The Cactus Surgeon is now available to order! What’s it about? It’s a nature and health memoir which explores the possible reasons for my burnout and functional neurological disorder. It also investigates my connection with Mother Nature, how that has helped me over the years – in particular through my ‘green recovery’. It’s a bookContinue reading “Pre-order your copy of The Cactus Surgeon today!”

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