Changing my relationship with food

I have suffered from IBS for years. I have tried acupuncture, seen nutritionists and been on a low FODMAP exclusion and reintroduction diet via a dietician. Nothing really worked, and the list of food I am triggered by has got longer every year. So, for the last six weeks, I have been persevering with theContinue reading “Changing my relationship with food”

Pre-order your copy of The Cactus Surgeon today!

The Cactus Surgeon is now available to order! What’s it about? It’s a nature and health memoir which explores the possible reasons for my burnout and functional neurological disorder. It also investigates my connection with Mother Nature, how that has helped me over the years – in particular through my ‘green recovery’. It’s a bookContinue reading “Pre-order your copy of The Cactus Surgeon today!”

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